Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Goal Setting:

Goals:  I Will Race This Summer

Summer officially starts June 21 so I have time to get healthy and to start doing some kind of training.  I  know my training load will be pretty damn light to start with but it will have to do.  I've set my sights on just one summer race. I'd love to pin my sights on a fall race destination but my goal it health first. If and when that comes together and the budget allows, I'll specify a fall goal.  First things first as I'm not sure yet how soon my training mojo will return.

Goal Race: Edmonton Swim-Run, Sunday August 4

There are a few reasons for this one:

  1. It's new and it's something I haven't done before.
  2. My cycling is pretty good so I know it will always be there.  Swim and run training require me to set some goals and a schedule in order to get going.
  3. The run is mostly trails and that's my favourite kind of running.
  4. The swim is in the river and that's been my favourite local open water swim venue. I know it well.
  5. Swim run is traditionally done in a team of 2. You do it in tandem with another person. It takes a fine balance to manage pacing with two people with different swim and run capabilities.  The extra element to training and racing will be an interesting layer of challenge to doing a new event:  where do I find the right race partner?
  6. The race takes place in nature and the river is a dynamic environment so time goals are difficult to guess-timate. So, I won't set a time goal for anything segment or for the event overall.

Create A Path

I've picked a goal race on August 4, just over 3 months away.  I'll be starting from a lower fitness level than I'm used to so my finish goals will have to be appropriately modified.  My goal is simply to finish.  I'll set no time goals since I'm healthy and happy.  I don't yet know when the journey can start but the earliest possible start date is still a few weeks away.  Until then, my goal is to simply find the energy to go for a walk. We're out of cat food, so I'll walk to the store to pick some up.  Multi-tasking at it's best. Right now, though my path out of the deep end remains undefined.

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